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Webinar with Scottish Government


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Care Opinion Australia and Central Gippsland Health

A collaborative project for small rural health services in Victoria

On Tuesday 31st August, Care Opinion Australia was honoured to host special guests from the Scottish Government. Participants learned more about how and why this unique platform has been such a driver of person-centred care across Scotland.

It was encouraging to see staff from so many small rural health services, with every region represented, interested in learning more about online, public feedback. At our event, we heard from Shaun Maher and Prof. Jason Leitch, CBE, otherwise known as ‘Mr COVID of the Scottish Government’. The messages were clear that public online feedback:

  • is undeniably linked to humanising care
  • is not synonymous with complaints
  • provides significant opportunities not always available through traditional feedback mechanisms
  • enables staff to see the positive impact their care has had on consumers

Most importantly, we heard that the positive stories, so often told, are a source of joy and motivation to staff.

As promised, we have compiled a number of post-webinar resources to support you to continue learning about the Care Opinion platform. These include answers to the questions asked during the registration process (as a document) and a link to the webinar recording in case you missed it, or if you wanted to re-visit some of the information shared. Short of time? We have published short snippets of the discussion which are now available on our Vimeo showcase page where you can view individual segments of each question and answer.

If you have more questions or want to talk any of this through, our Client Liaison Officer, Rebecca, is available for individualised consultations between 9.00 am and 4.00 pm Tuesdays through to Thursdays via email at or on (07) 3354 4525.

Jude Bridgeman is the Project Officer with Central Gippsland Health. She is coordinating this project and will join each consultation to offer her insights from the perspective of a service using the platform. She is also happy to take your calls and emails, and can be reached during office hours Tuesdays through to Fridays via email at 

Scroll down to read more about Shaun and Jason, along with the webinar facilitator and Care Opinion CEO, Michael. 

Central Gippsland Health Service Testimony

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Assoc. Professor Michael Greco

CEO, Care Opinion Australia

Image titleAssociate Professor Michael Greco is one of the founding Directors and CEO of Care Opinion Australia. He is a well-respected healthcare academic in both his home country of Australia and in the United Kingdom (UK). His drive for positive change has seen him undertake roles such as the Patient Experience Director for the NHS National Clinical Governance Support Team, and the National Primary Care Development Team in the UK. In Australia, he is a Director on a number of not-for-profit Boards. Michael is passionate about educating and enabling professionals to understand the importance of the humanistic element of care. He believes stories are a gift which can make a significant difference to the lives of consumers and the healthcare system as a whole.

Guest Speakers

Professor Jason Leitch, CBE

National Clinical Director, Directorate of Healthcare Quality & Improvement - Scottish Government

JImage titleason has worked for the Scottish Government since 2007 and in January 2015 was appointed as The National Clinical Director in the Health and Social Care Directorate. He is the Scottish Government Director and a member of the Health and Social Care Management Board. As one of the senior team responsible for the NHS in Scotland, Jason's involvement in the nation-wide roll out of Care Opinion across the country has given him insight into the program and the benefits of the platform.

Shaun Maher

Principal Educator & Strategic Adviser for Person-Centred Care and Improvement - Scottish Government

Image titleShaun is an experienced strategic advisor with a strong clinical background and track record of working in government and leading national policy development and implementation. Shaun is skilled in Quality Improvement methodology, education, and person-centred approaches to systems and practice in healthcare and the wider public sector. Scottish Quality and Safety Fellow (2010); Accredited ILM (7) executive coach and mentor; accredited Clinical Microsystems coach.
