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Individualised consultations


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Starting out on the Care Opinion journey often starts with two important questions:

  • Why would we do this?
  • Isn’t transparent, online feedback just airing your dirty laundry in public?

As these are very common questions, we have a variety of resources addressing these concerns, and helping you to understand the platform better and feel comfortable using it. As part of this project, we are also offering training sessions that address these questions and many more. However, if you are seeking more tailored support or assistance than a training session offers, reach out to arrange an individualised consultation with our Client Liaison Officer, Rebecca, and Central Gippsland Health's Project Officer, Jude. 

Rebecca and Jude will work with you to dig deeper into your questions and your situation. They can help to develop strategies that are suited to your organisation’s individual circumstances, approach, culture and structure. Some of the things they can help you with include but are certainly not limited to:

  • Developing strategies to overcome staff discomfort with online feedback.
  • Working out how to reach certain groups of consumers.
  • Identifying what information is okay to include in a response and what is best avoided.
  • Finding answers to sensitive questions, one that might not be as fitting for a group training session or meeting.

Individualised consultations are available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm (AEST). There is no set meeting duration as they are tailored based on your needs and availability. Rebecca and Jude welcome the opportunity to work with you. 

E: (Mon - Thurs) (Tue - Fri) 
