"Trip to ED Margaret River for daughter"
About: Margaret River Hospital / Emergency Department
Who has Care Opinion told about this story?
Australian Commission for Safety and Quality in Health Care 5 told -
Australian Institute for Patient and Family Centred Care 1 told -
Australian Patients Association 1 told -
Blackwood District Health Advisory Council 1 told -
Eastern Wheatbelt District Health Advisory Council 1 told -
Federal Member of Parliament 1 told -
Goldfields District Health Advisory Council 1 told -
Health Consumers' Council (WA) 1 told 1 read -
Lower Great Southern District Health Advisory Council 1 told -
Midwest District Health Advisory Council 1 told -
Minister for Health and Mental Health - WA 1 told -
Naturaliste-Leeuwin District Health Advisory Council (WACHS South West) 1 told -
South East Goldfields District Health Advisory Council 1 told -
State Member of Parliament - WA 1 told -
WA Country Health Service (WACHS) 26 told 8 read -
WA Country Health Service (WACHS) Board 8 told 1 read -
WACHS - South West 42 told 11 read responded