The Victorian Agency for Health Information will distribute the Expression of Interest forms to all small, rural health services in Victoria on Thursday 2nd September 2021.
To give you a comprehensive understanding of both this project and the Care Opinion platform, we recommend you read the Care Opinion Australia Subscription Project Information Pack. This document outlines:
- The objective and scope of the project
- How the Care Opinion platform operates and keeps staff safe in the public domain
- The opportunity this project presents to small rural health services in Victoria.
- What is required of each small rural health service
- The support you will receive from Central Gippsland Health and the Care Opinion team
- An indicative timetable for the Expression of Interest process.
We hope you find this document useful in guiding your engagement with this project.
If you would like a copy of the Expression of Interest, please contact Jude Bridgeman at Central Gippsland Health at or phone 03 5143 8833 (Tuesdays to Fridays).