Neil Cowan, Armadale Kalamunda Group | Executive Director
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Experienced senior leader of healthcare services. Certified Health Executive, CIMA and ACHSM Fellow, and highly active improvement practitioner. Supporting health systems with widespread adoption of true consumer engagement and innovation to benefit public health and the WA taxpayer.
Proud to be Executive Director Armadale Kalamunda Group as part of East Metropolitan Health Service. Practice the seven habits, and continue to work on these on a daily basis.
What to expect from my presentation
Session title: Why you should really CARE (Compassion, Accountability, Reflection and Empathy): What being Executive Director has taught me
Fun fact
I once cycled 300km in a day, and plan to do more, if only WA were not so hot!
When person-centred care mattered to me
Read this story to see an example of when person-centred care mattered to me - Excellent service, but terrible environment | Care Opinion
Watch Neil's presentation below and view and/or download the presentation slides here.