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Conference Presenters


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Care Opinion Australia – Virtual Conference ‘The purpose of patient feedback: how does public online feedback address the missing link?’Wednesday 28 April 2021, 3 pm – 5 pm (AEST)


Bringing together international experts in quality and those on a mission to improve patient care, Care Opinion’s conference presenters are leaders in their respective fields. Read on to learn more about each of our presenters before hearing their thoughts around our conference topic - ‘The purpose of patient feedback: how does public online feedback address the missing link?’.




Care Opinion Australia

Michael Greco

Associate Professor Michael Greco is one of the founding Directors and CEO of Care Opinion Australia. He is a well-respected healthcare academic in both his home country of Australia and in the United Kingdom (UK). Michael’s academic background is focused on healthcare, evaluation and clinical pastoral education, and includes a PhD in medical education and a Bachelor of Theology. His drive for positive change has seen him undertake roles such as the Patient Experience Director for the NHS National Clinical Governance Support Team, and the National Primary Care Development Team in the UK. In Australia, he is a Director on a number of not-for-profit Boards.  He holds professor and senior research fellow posts at the School of Medicine, Griffith University (Australia) and the Medical School, University of Exeter (United Kingdom). Michael is passionate about educating and enabling professionals to understand the importance of the humanistic element of care. He believes stories are a gift which can make a significant difference to the lives of consumers and the healthcare system as a whole.


Chief Executive

Care Opinion UK

James Munro

Dr James Munro has been Chief Executive of Care Opinion since 2014. His background is in clinical medicine, public health and health services research. Over the past 10 years, James has spent majority of his time overseeing the development of Care Opinion’s online feedback platform. As the CEO of Care Opinion UK, James focuses on sharing Care Opinion’s mission with people in health and social care, and with health professionals in training, emphasising the importance of generosity, curiosity and reciprocity in our work.


National Clinical Director

Directorate of Healthcare Quality & Improvement

Scottish Government

Jason Leitch

Jason has worked for the Scottish Government since 2007 and in January 2015 was appointed as The National Clinical Director in the Health and Social Care Directorate. He is a Scottish Government Director and a member of the Health and Social Care Management Board. He is one of the senior team responsible for the NHS in Scotland. He is an Honorary Professor at the University of Dundee. Jason was the 2011 UK Clinician of the Year. He is a Senior Fellow at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI). He was a 2005-06 Quality Improvement Fellow at IHI, in Boston, sponsored by the Health Foundation. Jason is also a trustee of the UK wing of the Indian Rural Evangelical Fellowship which runs orphanages in southeast India. He has a doctorate from the University of Glasgow, an MPH from Harvard and is a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow and the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. He is also a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Jason was appointed to NHS England review group led by Don Berwick looking into the patient safety elements of the Francis Inquiry.


Research Fellow

University of Plymouth, UK

Rebecca Baines

Rebecca Baines is a Research Fellow at the University of Plymouth. She has an interest in patient feedback/experience, co-production and digital or eHealth. To date, her research has involved the evaluation of implementing online feedback in a special measures health care organisation, a systematic literature review exploring the impact of patient feedback on medical practitioners, a comparison of the content shared in online patient feedback stories and existing 'validated' surveys, and the co-production of an online patient feedback response framework that has been implemented by several healthcare organisations in the UK.

Here are the slides from her presentation (PDF format):

Current research into public online feedback

Links to the research mentioned in her conference session:

Implementing online patient feedback in a ‘special measures’ acute hospital: A case study using Normalisation Process Theory

Responding effectively to adult mental health patient feedback in an online environment: A coproduced framework

Comparing psychiatric care experiences shared online with validated questionnaires; do they include the same content?


Chief Executive Officer, Interim Chief Nursing Officer,

Central Gippsland Health, Victoria

Frank Evans

Dr Frank Evans is the Chief Executive of Central Gippsland Health in Victoria. Throughout his career, he has worked in the public and not-for-profit health sector across NSW and Victoria. He started his career as a remote area nurse and undertook training as a midwife before pursuing his interest in leadership, management and team development roles. Frank was drawn to developing a career in rural health management because he loved rural life and believed that rural health services were ideally positioned to provide coordinated and integrated health care, to better support patient-centred care and outcomes. Frank’s insights led him to discover that rural people were at a disadvantage through lack of information and engagement in health design and service development. Frank has since centred his work, research and publications around enabling community and consumer participation to improve healthcare in rural settings


Nurse Manager – Operational Nurse Support,

Sydney Hospital/Sydney Eye Hospital, NSW

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Ann has a wealth of experience in a number of nursing positions, with over 35 years of experience in health. She is currently a Nurse Manager - Operational Nurse Support at Sydney Hospital/Sydney Eye Hospital (SSEH). She holds a Degree in Nursing and Post Graduate Diploma in Health Service Management. She is a passionate advocate for patient feedback and the consumer's voice. She uses this information to learn more on how those in health can improve their services and care for patients and families. Part of her role consists of coordinating and managing Care Opinion at SSEH and the Emergency Department Patient Experience Officer project at Sydney Hospital/Sydney Eye Hospital. These projects allow her to liaise with health managers to improve quality of care. She is the Co-Operational Lead for the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standard - Standard 2 - Partnering with Consumers for SSEH. In addition, she serves as a member on the Care Opinion Advisory Board. Ann has presented at the 2018 NSW Patient Experience Symposium Measuring What Matters and coordinated the Care Opinion NSW pilot site at the end of 2016.


Executive Director

Health Consumers' Council (WA) Inc

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Pip Brennan is the Executive Director of the Health Consumers’ Council, more of a mission than a job. Pip began her journey as a consumer representative more than two decades ago and among many countless hours of meetings, has sat on the Panel of WA’s recent Sustainable Health Review. Pip has championed Care Opinion since starting her role at HCC more than five years ago, and has experienced its implementation across WA’s vast state. She continues to see it as a vital tool in re-balancing the priority and power between health and human services and the people that use them.


Clinical nurse, SCGH


Amelia Graves

Amelia is a loving mum to two beautiful teenage girls. She was a Clinical Nurse at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital for 20 years and recently moved to Public Health and is undertaking contact tracing for COVID-19.  Amelia is a carer for her 17 year old daughter, who recently recovered from anorexia nervosa after more than four years of suffering. During her daughter’s treatment as an inpatient and outpatient in WA, Amelia noticed many areas for improvement in the healthcare system.  Experiencing first-hand just how traumatic it is to witness a loved one suffering, Amelia has taken it upon herself to speak up about the many issues they experienced, further driven by a passion for advocating for those that can’t speak for themselves. Amelia believes that constant improvement and feedback is vital in the ever-changing environment of mental and physical health. Based on their personal experiences she feels that consumers can create the most impact for change across these areas.   Amelia is very thankful for the freedom to speak out and provide constructive criticism and does not wish to relinquish any opportunity to do so!
