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Safeguarding flowchart


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This is a safeguarding flowchart describing the actions that Care Opinion takes when potential safeguarding risks are identified. Click the link below to see in full:

Click here for this document in word format (recommended)

Does posting have a safeguarding element, or a concern about vulnerability, quality issue etc


1st Line moderator identifies and discusses with senior moderator at Care Opinion

Low level concerns indicate a practice concern, a complaint or quality issue. Follow Moderation Policy as below

Clear and serious indication of a safeguarding issue in one of the key categories

Don’t publish

do one of following:


If publishing then encourage Provider to respond. Also Signpost author so they know who to contact for support


If unable to publish for moderation reasons then signpost author so they can raise it with providers or access support


Author alleging serious safeguarding issues for self or other. Willing/able to raise issues for themselves. Contact author with information of how they raise it with the right authorities. Seek assurance that they will do this for themselves

Don’t publish


Author is receiving service and indicates clear intent to harm to self or others. Urgently contact operational manager of service to identify author so that they can intervene directly

Don’t publish


Serious safeguarding concerns. Either not clear whether person is in services or concerns are so great it justifies contacting appropriate safeguarding team directly. If possible go to safeguarding teams for identified service. Where little information, will need to go straight to lead organisation in geographical area

Don’t publish

Click here for this document in word format
