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Posting a response on behalf of another

Update from Care Opinion Australia tech

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Reblogged with permission from Patient Opinion UK.

There are lots of organisations using Patient Opinion, and they all use it in slightly different ways. In some, like WACHS Kimberley, many different staff post their responses themselves. In others, responses from staff are checked and posted for them by someone else.

We know from our experience and surveys that story authors really appreciate hearing directly from staff working in the service they used. Responses from a "central function" like comms or complaints sometimes feel less appropriate.

Yet we also know that sometimes busy clinical staff don't get the time or opportunity to post their response themselves.

Posting for another responder

So, to give responders more choice and flexibility, we've added a new feature so that subscription administrators can add a response on behalf of another subscription member.

Imagine you are a subscription administrator. Rachele Humbert, the Operations Manager, Derby, wants to post a response to a story about her service. She gives you her response. How to post it for her?

Here's what to do.

Login to Patient Opinion and find the story. Scroll down to find the responding area. It will look like this:

To post Rachele's response, select "A responder in my subscription".

The responding area will change to allow you to select Rachele from your current responders:

select the responder

Once you've selected Rachele as the response author, you type her response in as usual, and send the response to us for moderation.

When the response is published, it will correctly show Rachele as the responder.

Response showing from Rachele

Nice and easy!

Here is an animation to show just how easy it is:

Image title

Two more things

Finally, two things to remember.

  1. This feature will appear only if you are a subscription admin.
  2. You can post responses only on behalf of existing members of your subscription who are in a responder or admin role.

Let us know how you get on, and whether we can improve this further for you.

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