Friend had a stoke flown to a metropolitan hospital then eventually sent to Albany Heath Campus Western Australia to be closer to family and further recovery.
Since in Albany they have gone backwards now has a fractured collar bone, heavy sprained wrist caused, I believe, by poor nursing skills. Their good leg though poorly devised physiotherapy by, in my opinion, not listening to the Pt is now weaker and not weight bearing. There appears to be no discussion planning between the various health professionals on their treatment and no one listening to or taking into account what the Pt is telling them. Some staff have been good.
As well the food over all is terrible, at times uneatable I believe. In my opinion the catering is very haphazard.
The Pt is over 65 was very active before the stoke now wheel chair bound an needing assistance for every day living. Was improving now I believe has gone backwards stuck at the hospital until more able to look after oneself.
One feels very annoyed angry with the treatment given and apparent bullying by some staff towards my friend.
"Incompetent staff, poor catering."
About: Albany Health Campus / SubAcute Ward Albany Health Campus SubAcute Ward Albany 6330
Posted by Pockets62 (as ),
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