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"Poor Mental health help"

About: Broken Hill Base Hospital

(as other),

Not stating the time frame (as I want to be anonymous)  I accompanied my partner to the broken hill hospital mental health department after a few weeks ago going to the drs to get referred here. 

As you may know if you struggle yourself, firstly realising you are at that extent that u need\want help, making and attending the appointment then following up at the hospital to see the psychologist.. anyway you know how much that can take out of you in itself.

I take my partner up, we live in a rural town so that is just another thing on top. We see a psychologist - know their first name, unsure of last name but will find out. They take my partner in and goes through their little check list without, I feel, a blink of empathy or real conversation in my opinion.

Raised their eyes when my partner answered no to ever getting help before. I felt the tone of voice was off, the body language was off. In my opinion, this is someone that should not have a job in mental health. They could have turned someone away from getting help that’s taken them god knows how long to reach out for.

How can a 10 minute chat determine if someone should be eligible too see a psychiatrist?? When you’ve rushed them and made them seem like an inconvenience this is why people don’t ask for help. I am incredibly furious to say the least as I don’t want to think about the possibility of losing my loved one. 

I believe people I've seen in mental health need some serious empathy training, it is disgraceful. 

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