I've been visiting the Hand Clinic since I broke my finger in September. The wait time for an appointment has never been less than 90 minutes but you don't know the wait time until you get there.
I always wear a mask and avoid crowded areas since I have at-risk relatives I could infect, however, the waiting room is always crowded and no one wears a mask, I believe not even the staff. In fact, I found they accuse me of being sick if I do while the sniffling coughing patients sitting around are apparently fine.
I had yet another appointment recently at 10.20am to check on my finger. I came in at 10am to get the xray like they told me to at the last appointment (and several appointments before that). Radiology said that no xray was approved for me so I went up to wait for the VMO. 2 hours later at 12:30, I got seen by someone in scrubs who told me I should have gotten an xray. So I went downstairs and spent another twenty minutes getting the xray.
Came back to the Hand Clinic to wait another half an hour to be seen by a trainee that told me the xray was the same as last time and the earliest I could get the surgery I needed would be at the end of the year. This contradicted what I had been told previously. I was under the impression I would be scheduling the surgery today but this trainee didn't seem to know or care.
The trainee also said that I would have to attend another identical appointment just to get another xray done and potentially wait another 3 hours every three months until the surgery slot became available. I didn't get to see the doctor with whom I had an appointment, even though they apparently had time for everyone else there. I didnt get to choose the time or date of my next appointment and I didn't get a medical certificate so I have to take personal time off to sit in the crowded waiting area for 3.5 hours in a few months time and potentially catch covid again like I did late last year (after an incredibly long visit to this waiting room).
I felt the staff were incredibly unhelpful, ignored me and when pressed, kept repeating the same excuses before walking away.
Incredibly frustrated and unsatisfied by this experience, I returned to work since I had only taken half a day off for this mess. I will not be returning to this clinic. This could have been a phone call. I can do xrays on my own time and have the GP forward them. I don't know why this clinic operates this way.
"Wait times for appointment"
About: Sydney / Sydney Eye Hospital / 2 West & Hand Clinic Sydney / Sydney Eye Hospital 2 West & Hand Clinic Sydney 2000
Posted by enchondrama (as ),
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