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"Albany Hospital"

About: Albany Health Campus

(as the patient),

Well, look, it’s very brief what I need to say. I’ve been to the hospital quite a few times as an aged pensioner. I have absolutely the greatest respect and admiration for what you people do. No complaints. It’s always a very, very pleasant - not pleasant as it’s still a hospital - but a nice experience. I’m treated with respect and courtesy, and I have nothing bad to say about it at all. Basically, I’m very impressed with the hospital. 

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Response from Kate Hambleton, A/Director, Albany Health Campus, WACHS GS last week
Kate Hambleton
A/Director, Albany Health Campus,
Submitted on 23/12/2024 at 6:47 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 24/12/2024 at 9:50 AM

Dear violeten66,

Thank you for your kind words of admiration and respect for the care we provide at Albany Health Campus. It is always wonderful to hear such positive feedback, and it is important for our teams to know they are doing a good job. I will ensure your feedback is passed onto them. We hope that any future visits you have to Albany Health Campus continue to impress you.

Kind Regards

Kate Hambleton

A/Director Albany Health Campus

WACHS Great Southern

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