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"Poor nursing care"

About: Geraldton Hospital

(as a relative),

My parent was admitted to Geraldton Regional Hospital recently, discharged same day then re admitted a couple of days later. Unfortunately this was the exact same time that I travelled interstate for my relative’s last week and subsequent VAD.

On arrival back to Geraldton my parent was still in hospital, barely showered, no mouth care attended nor teeth cleaned for entire admission. I took in toiletries around a week later and they are yet to be used. My parent, in the meantime, has now contacted hospital acquired Rotavirus.

Upon visiting my parent recently I enquired where I could wash my hands and the nurse looking after my parent offered aquium hand sanitizer. When I informed them of the need to use soap and water for rotavirus they questioned me. No wonder rotavirus is spreading through the hospital!!!!!

This is all basic nursing care and should be attended. No one appears to be offering water, helping with feeding my parent or general help to enhance their recovery. I’m sure they need the bed.

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Response from Cameron Ross, Operations Manager Geraldton Hospital, Midwest, WA Country Health Service 5 days ago
Cameron Ross
Operations Manager Geraldton Hospital, Midwest,
WA Country Health Service

Operations Manager Clinical Services

Submitted on 17/12/2024 at 6:30 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 18/12/2024 at 9:52 AM

picture of Cameron Ross

Dear composersy94

Thank you for reaching out on Care Opinion to share your parent’s experience.

I was shocked to read the events you described and wish to assure you they do not reflect the high standard of care the team at Geraldton Health Campus work tirelessly to provide. I would like to offer our apologies that at a sad time for your family we have caused greater distress for you.

I have requested the Coordinator of Nursing and Midwifery discuss your concerns with their teams and come up with a solution to ensure all our inpatients are appropriately showered and their personal hygiene maintained. I have also contacted the Infection Control Team so they can continue to provide education and support to the Geraldton Health Campus workforce on how to maintain Infection control standards.

I would be grateful if you would consider contacting me so I can listen to your concerns and ensure we are fully supporting your parent and yourself. My name is Cameron Ross, I am the Operations Manager at Geraldton Health Campus. I can be contacted on either 9956 2369 or

Thank you again for sharing your parent’s story and I do hope to hear from you soon.


Cameron Ross

Operations Manager - Geraldton Health Campus

WA Country Health Service – Midwest

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