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"Swan Hill District Health Visit"

About: Swan Hill District Hospital / Acute Ward Swan Hill District Hospital / Emergency Department

(as the patient),

I would like to thank many people at SHDH who were involved with my husband admission to hospital recently.

It first started when I visited the Swan Hill  Primary Health Medical Centre on a weekend morning after my husband had abdominal pain since 2am the previous morning, we first thought it may have been food poisoning however our doctor quickly referred us to emergency thinking it may be his appendix.

We walked across the road to emergency where we were quickly taken in.

From here it was all very postive experience with the nurses and doctors, not long at emergency the nurse had organised my husband to have a CT scan, bloods and a surgeon and surgeon registrar to review him. Before we knew it he was off to surgery with the anaesthetican and surgeon explaining the surgery putting us at ease.

The operation went very well with a stay overnight in the hospital, again staff being caring and a follow up visit with the surgeon

Our experience from GP, to Emergency to Surgery to the acute award was a great experience. Thank you SHDH

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Response from Chloe Keogh, Executive Director of Clinical Care, Executive Offices, Swan Hill District Health 3 weeks ago
Chloe Keogh
Executive Director of Clinical Care, Executive Offices,
Swan Hill District Health

Overall responsibility for the running of the health service, reports to the Board of Management. Acting for 3.5 months to replace Long Service Leave.

Submitted on 7/12/2024 at 9:41 AM
Published on Care Opinion on 9/12/2024 at 9:57 AM

picture of Chloe Keogh

Dear Mr Ab Dom Pain,

Thank you for taking the time to write about your husbands recent journey through our health service. There are so many touch points to different units across the SHDH health service in this event, and I do hope your husband is well on the way to recovery now.

This morning at our daily muster I told the teams about your story and thanked them all for the "one team" approach that helped your husband.

We continue to strive to provide "Connected Care, Best Experience", and I feel that we went a long way to achieving this for you and your husband.

Wishing you all the best for a safe festive season, keep cool in this humidity.

Kind Regards


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