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"Experience with the Positive Birth Program"

About: Positive Birth Program

(as the patient),

I engaged a student midwife midway through my pregnancy as I thought it would be a good thing to do - to have a familiar face throughout pregnancy and also to contribute to a student's case studies. My student midwife sent me some resources to look at, including the Positive Birth Program, and encouraged me to attend. I was initially hesitant, as I thought about going into birth with a bit of an "ignorant bliss" attitude, to instead be led by my doctor's advice and just take it as it comes - but am so very thankful I did not do that, and my partner and I instead attended the Positive Birth Program and understood our options and the impending process.

We found the course extremely interesting, helpful, educational and, quite frankly, eye opening. We didn't realise how much we didn't know, and really should know about birth, until we attended the course. 

This course informed me in detail about the options available to me for my birth in Kalgoorlie, the current statistics on inductions and caesareans, some great science about what is happening to my body, and mechanisms to get through labour. I came out thinking "I can absolutely do this! My body has got this!" and very quickly decided on birth plan options with this information I now had and understood, which I discussed at my antenatal appointments with full support from the midwives and my doctor. My husband was equally as on board with my intentions and was therefore a very strong advocate for me in case I wasn't able to advocate for myself.

Consequently, I made the decision to not entertain any discussions about induction methods until I was well overdue because I wanted my body and my baby to be ready in their own time. I wanted to avoid an epidural and the risks associated with one. I wanted to avoid precautionary antibiotics for myself and my baby (only happy for them to be given if indicated) and I wanted to stay home as long as possible in a comfortable environment until I didn't feel safe anymore.

Channelling my intentions - I was lucky enough to go into spontaneous labour at 39+2, giving birth 14.5 hours after my waters broke, at 0448hrs the next day to a perfect little baby girl. I didn't have to entertain talks of an induction, I didn't require precautionary antibiotics, baby was not assisted out and I gave birth in a standing position (something I would not have been able to do if I had accepted an epidural) with my husband catching our baby girl on her way out. I didn't have so much as a single vein poked with a cannula. We were discharged the next day, only because I chose to stay the night so my husband could get some sleep after a very long night.

Now, I'm not going to lie - childbirth is intense and I was absolutely shell shocked at the level of pain and I definitely did ask my husband numerous times to forget my intentions and just give me the pain relief... but he is a stubborn advocate, who did not budge and instead encouraged me to keep going. He knows what I am capable of and knew I could keep going. And boy, am I glad I persisted. Even though the pain was a lot - at no point did I feel scared or fearful, as I knew what my body was doing... and I knew I had great support around me to get through it... thanks to the education I received in the Positive Birth Program. 

So in summary - based on my experience I would very highly recommend the Positive Birth Program to all expecting mothers and their birth partners... to provide them with all the education they need to make an informed (and empowered!) decision on how they want their birth to go... or at least equip them with mechanisms and a more positive frame of mind if it doesn't quite go how they plan... and be okay with the process as long as it leads to a positive outcome for mum and baby during and after birth. 

I am very thankful this program was an option and was at no cost, meaning it is accessible to all. 

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Kasey Biggar, WA Country Health Service Antenatal Education Coordinator, WACHS South West 2 months ago
Kasey Biggar
WA Country Health Service Antenatal Education Coordinator,
WACHS South West
Submitted on 6/12/2024 at 9:30 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 9/12/2024 at 9:59 AM

Thank you sculptorxd44 for sharing your incredible birth story with us! We are so thrilled to hear how the Positive Birth Program helped you and your partner feel informed, empowered and supported throughout your pregnancy and birth. Midwifery students can offer such valuable support in the pregnancy/birth/postpartum journey! I am so pleased to hear that you decided to give the program a go. Your story highlights the value of education and preparation, not just for the birth itself but how it can strengthen your confidence and decision-making which will be critical as you enter parenthood.

It was inspiring to hear how you were able to make decisions that were right for you and your baby and how you advocated for yourself with the full support of your maternity team.

Thank you for recommending the program so highly to other expecting parents. We are so grateful that you found it valuable and accessible.

Wishing you and your little girl all the best as you continue on this amazing journey!


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