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"Sterioid injection into back"

About: Kalgoorlie Health Campus / Medical Imaging

(as the patient),

Last year I had a steroid injection into my back. It was 45mins of torture, excruciating pain, I was screaming into the pillow, dr told me to be quiet it wasn't that bad. I have a pretty high pain tolerance, so it was bad pain.

Recently, I had the same injection in perth, 15mins, when it hurt dr gave more local, it was 9/10 experience compared to kalgoorlie hospital. I won't ever have another there. I felt I was a guinea pigs for the Dr. Can't compare what I felt was torture to a few seconds of pain.

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Response from Alicia Michalanney, A/Director, Kalgoorlie Health Campus, WA Country Health Service 3 weeks ago
Alicia Michalanney
A/Director, Kalgoorlie Health Campus,
WA Country Health Service

Leader of the teams and services at the Kalgoorlie Health Campus

Submitted on 6/12/2024 at 2:54 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 3:50 PM

picture of Alicia Michalanney

Dear pyxisbn96

I am so sorry about the pain you experienced at your appointment last year. I am pleased to hear that your subsequent experience, at another facility, was much better and hope that you will continue to seek treatment if you need it. If you were to contact me with your details on I could arrange a review of your case to determine if changes such as additional local anaesthetic could have made a positive difference in your care. And if you wish, I could provide feedback to the doctor that provided your care as well.

Kind regards Alicia

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