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"Esperance hospital"

About: Esperance Health Campus / Ambulatory Care/Outpatients Esperance Health Campus / Emergency Department Esperance Health Campus / Palliative medicine

(as the patient),

I was transferred to Esperance hospital from Perth & received superb care- Emergency dept, Denise & Vanessa (CNM) to ward Zoe, Nijal (pharmacist), Palliative care & Ambulatory Care team. It was obviously a busy time for all teams & they showed compassion & skilled care in enabling us to be home very quickly. I am very thankful & grateful.

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Response from Margaret Smillie, Operations Manager Esperance Hospital, WACHS - Goldfields 3 weeks ago
Margaret Smillie
Operations Manager Esperance Hospital,
WACHS - Goldfields
Submitted on 27/11/2024 at 6:05 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 28/11/2024 at 10:02 AM

Dear orangenk85

It was lovely to read your story this morning, we will share this with the team and will display a printed copy of your lovely compliment in our staff dining room, as you mentioned we have been very busy, but the team do a great job in the care they provide.

Thank you so much for taking the time to show your appreciation, I do hope that you are well and truly on the road to recovery.

Take care

Margaret Smillie
Operations Manager Esperance Health Campus

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