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"Some bad behaviour"

About: Royal Perth Hospital / Emergency Department

(as the patient),

I presented @ Royal Perth Hospital ED, I experienced very rude and offensive nurses being very disrespectful even yelling at myself. I felt their behaviour seemed to get worse as the night went on. Don't get me wrong the majority I saw are caring and very professional, I felt like I was in a school classroom, hard to explain really, never had experienced anything like it before.

A point I would like to make is who is assessing/recruiting these people and have they dropped there standards (In my opinion, lift your employment standards senior management ) something I have noticed in recent years is that some of these nurses seemingly have authority issues, I found the whole experience very uncomfortable and discharged myself against Doctors advice and my symptoms are starting to return, No Doubt I believe I'm going to have to present again to RPH ED. 👍 Up to the kind caring, respectful and professional nurses and hospital staff I saw...

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Response from Ben Noteboom, Executive Director, Royal Perth Bentley Group 3 weeks ago
Ben Noteboom
Executive Director,
Royal Perth Bentley Group
Submitted on 27/11/2024 at 2:47 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 4:41 PM

picture of Ben Noteboom

Dear controllerzn77

It was disappointing to read you encountered rude, offensive, and disrespectful staff during your presentation to the Royal Perth Hospital (RPH) Emergency Department (ED).

All staff are aware of the high standards expected of them and the described behaviour does not meet the hospital’s expectations of providing outstanding service. Please accept my apologies for this poor behaviour leaving you feeling uncomfortable and causing you to discharge against medical advice.

Having read that your symptoms are starting to return, I hope you are able to access care from a GP to check on your wellbeing. If you would like to follow up any of your concerns directly, please don’t hesitate to contact our Patient Experience team on (08) 9224 1637 or via email: so this can be promptly addressed.

Kind Regards

Ben Noteboom

Executive Director

Royal Perth Bentley Group

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