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"ED nurse experience"

About: Armadale Hospital / Emergency Department

(as the patient),

Last year, I went to Armadale ed. I am aboriginal person with some mental, drug, alcohol problems. I try to kill myself, my relative checked on me that day, drive me to ed.

While I am in Ed bed, a nurse come over, talk to me in a seemingly horrible manner, I felt very clearly look down on me because I am Aborigines, I recall they giggled and laugh at me when I tell them, I do drugs and alcohol, on the dole. Why they judge me?

I pressed call bell few times, the nurse come in, cancel the bell, walk away, never ask what I want, very rude and uncaring. Nothing is offered to me from start till I move up to ward. I have been starve and thirsty for few hours in Ed. I end up drink water from the sink. 

Bad memory from that day in ed come up in my mind, make me very sad, I feel so useless.

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Neil Cowan, Executive Director, Armadale Kalamunda Group, EMHS last month
Neil Cowan
Executive Director, Armadale Kalamunda Group,
Submitted on 21/11/2024 at 1:22 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 4:40 PM

picture of Neil Cowan

Kaya scutumqc39,

Thank you for sharing, it made me very sad to read your words.

You should not have been treated or judged that way by any of our staff.

I am very sorry about it all and the bad memory we have left in your mind from that day in ED.

Given this bad memory was from last year, I also really appreciate you sharing it now that you feel able to.

Speaking out is important so we can change. If you can, please get in touch so we can discuss further on (08) 9391 1153 or by email to

I would be interested in you having a more positive experience here at Armadale Hospital and to update you on changes we have made and are making.

Kind Regards,

Neil Cowan

Executive Director

Armadale Kalamunda Group

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