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"Lack of monitoring and investigation"

About: Carnarvon Hospital / Emergency Department

(as a relative),

My spouse was ambulanced to ED with trouble breathing, chest wasn't listened to, heart monitoring wasn't done throughout their 4hrs in ED. Only watched oxygen levels, with oxygen on. Nurse relayed any changes to doctor with a yell across ED as doctor remained at desk behind computer. Seen Dr for 2nd time as they handed prescriptions over for antibiotics & told my spouse can go. A day & half later they were back at ED not breathing properly still. Felt angry & disappointed that they weren't monitored adequately the first time at ED.

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Kumar Deep, Operations Manager- Gascoyne, WA Country Health Service last month
Kumar Deep
Operations Manager- Gascoyne,
WA Country Health Service
Submitted on 26/11/2024 at 2:54 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 3:48 PM

picture of Kumar Deep

Dear uniformet79

Thank you for reaching out to us on Care Opinion and sharing your story.

It is always a concern when any consumer believes that the assessment and care provided was not of a high standard. The ED team at Carnarvon Hospital are committed to learning from consumer feedback and I will ensure the Senior Medical Officer and Coordinator of Nursing and Midwifery review your concerns and discuss them with their teams.

I would be grateful if you and your partner could contact me so I can discuss their presentations and ensure they are being fully supported with the care and treatment they need. My name is Kumar Deep, I am the Operations Manager Gascoyne Region. I can be contacted on 08 9941 0330 or you can email me at

I do hope your spouse is feeling better and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Kumar Deep

Operations Manager Gascoyne

WA Country Health Service – Midwest

Tel 9941 0330

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