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"AV fistula"

About: Royal Perth Hospital / Intensive Care Unit

(as the patient),

I was admitted to the ICU and a PICC line was inserted into my right. Unfortunately, an accidental arterial insertion occurred.

Further ultrasound investigation revealed the formation of an AV fistula. As a result, I was prescribed aspirin to prevent the formation of blood clots. I was informed that the fistula would likely heal within six weeks. However, despite multiple ultrasounds, the AV fistula remains there, which has caused significant concern for both myself and my family.

Over the past year, communication with the hospital and my doctor has been minimal. There has only been one appointment, conducted via phone, which focused solely on symptom inquiries, and no treatment options have been discussed or provided. I feel like I have been neglected by the hospital.

I am currently still suffering from AV fistula and needs to continue taking aspirin. I would appreciate improved communication from the hospital regarding my condition, as well as guidance on appropriate treatment options to support my recovery.

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Response from Doris Lombardi, A/Executive Director, Royal Perth Bentley Group last week
Doris Lombardi
A/Executive Director,
Royal Perth Bentley Group
Submitted on 24/10/2024 at 12:39 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 1:55 PM

picture of Doris Lombardi

Dear dkdk01,

Thank you for taking the time to tell your story and I am sorry to hear of the difficulties you have encountered following your discharge from Royal Perth Hospital (RPH).

I am disappointed to hear you have not received the adequate follow up care you require and I can appreciate how frustrating this may be for you and your family members.

An AV fistula can sometimes close without treatment however some may require a procedure and/or surgery and as you have stated this occurred over a year ago, I would like the opportunity to ensure you receive both guidance and appropriate options. Therefore, I encourage you to contact the RPH Patient Experience team on: (08) 9224 1637 or via email: so this can be promptly addressed.

We look forward to being able to assist you further.

Kind Regards,

Dori Lombardi

A/Executive Director

Royal Perth Bentley Group

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