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"A credit to Alpine Health"

About: Bright Hospital / Urgent Care

(as the patient),

Good morning,

I attended Bright Hospital at 5.30pm with a nasty gash on my arm from a bicycle accident.

I was promptly seen by a duty nurse. The young man was cheerful, compassionate and very professional in the care he provided. He is also very good at giving painless needles.

He is a credit to Alpine Health.

kind regards,


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Response from Kelly Barton, Executive Director of Clinical Services, Alpine Health 2 months ago
Kelly Barton
Executive Director of Clinical Services,
Alpine Health
Submitted on 30/10/2024 at 9:14 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 10:06 AM

Thank you for taking the time to provide us with this feedback. We are pleased to hear that your experience with our service was so positive.

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