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"Care from the nurses"

About: Royal Perth Hospital / Orthopaedic Surgical & Trauma & Spinal Care Ward 3H/5G

(as the patient),

I am admitted to ward 5G at royal Perth hospital. 

The nurses I've seen on this ward are amazing. I have been here for 4 weeks and the care I have received has been exceptional. The nurses are so committed to their work, going above and beyond at all times. The compassion they show is amazing, even when they are dealing with difficult patients. 

Whilst they are all great, I have found Dani, Sarah, Cassy, Georgia, Steph and Carly to have been particularly good. There is another nurse whose name I can’t remember, but she is probably mid 20s and from overseas, who is also really good. 

The few times CN Gordo has looked after me I have always been very impressed with him. I wish he was looking after me more. 

The AIN called Marcia is also really caring. 

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Response from Ben Noteboom, Executive Director, Royal Perth Bentley Group 2 months ago
Ben Noteboom
Executive Director,
Royal Perth Bentley Group
Submitted on 10/10/2024 at 1:03 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 1:36 PM

picture of Ben Noteboom

Dear decembertn59

It was lovely to read of the amazing nursing care you are currently receiving on Ward 5G at Royal Perth Hospital. I agree wholeheartedly that our staff are committed to their work, which is reinforced by the continuity of exceptional nursing care you mentioned in your story.

The positive differences our staff make on the lives of patients and community through small acts of kindness and demonstration of compassionate care, cannot be underestimated. Feedback such as yours assures me that staff continually strive to deliver the best care, and I will be delighted to pass on your words of gratitude to Ward 5G.

Thank you for sharing your story on Care Opinion. I wish you all the best in your recovery and continuing healthcare journey.

Kind regards

Ben Noteboom

Executive Director

Royal Perth Bentley Group

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