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"MGP experience"

About: Bunbury Hospital / Maternity

(as the patient),

I started my journey with mgp at the start of my pregnancy  (12 weeks was my gestation) I decided to join after hearing about the program from a lot of women who highly recommended it and personally I wasn’t haven’t much luck at regular public doctors as I needed something more personal as a first time young mum 

I had regular appointments and had access to phone and text my assigned midwife at any time which was amazing for any questions or concerns 

They were amazing with keeping me up to date with appointments and important  tests and valuing my results and milestones. 

These women work so hard dealing with multiple women a day and unfortunately I didn’t have the presence of my midwife at my birth but still had to follow up postpartum checkups from another midwife. In my experience, they really value your health let alone your mental health and of course your child I felt so looked after and would rejoin this program for all of my pregnancies 

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Amy Gumbrell, Regional Clinical Midwifery Consultant , WACHS, WA Country Health Service 2 months ago
Amy Gumbrell
Regional Clinical Midwifery Consultant , WACHS,
WA Country Health Service
Submitted on 4/10/2024 at 5:29 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 8/10/2024 at 10:03 AM

Dear octansfd95,

Thankyou for taking the time to send in your feedback via Care Opinion. We are so grateful for your kind words of appreciation. I have passed on your feedback to the Bunbury MGP midwives who will be so grateful.

We love what we do in Bunbury MGP - we think we have the best jobs in the world working with women and their families throughout their pregnancy, birth and postnatal periods. I'm sorry your primary midwife was unable to make your birth, and thank you for your understanding on this. We strive to attend all of our clients' births, but as you are aware, sometimes everything happens at once and we have to juggle a little.

Congratulations on the birth of your first babe and we hope you are settling into motherhood and life with a newborn well.
Wishing you and your family all the best.

Warm regards,

Amy Gumbrell

Clinical Midwifery Consultant - South West MGPs

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