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"Gynaecology and Colposcopy"

About: Royal Hospital for Women / Gynaecology Services Division

(as the patient),

I had booked in for a gynaecology appointment for mid December, however randomly I received a message saying my appointment was to be held the Monday after receiving this text. I called into the department and was advised that this would only be a quick consultation and my December appointment still remained.

As I work near by, I decided to arrange an hour of work to go in for this consultation. Once I was there, the specialist proceeded to ask me a few questions of symptoms etc until they asked me to lay on the examination bed. It wasn't until they inserted the spatula that they realized I had a recent pap smear and was not necessary.

They then ordered the nurse to bring in extra instrumentation to the room, and then proceed to do a colposcopy, injecting me with dye and then proceeding with several biopsies. I was in extreme pain and fear, not understanding what was going on with no informed consent given. Afterwards, I was feeling faint and in extreme pain.

They let me put my work clothes back on and dismissed me into a different room where I could recover from my fainting spells. I never saw the Doctor again after that. I had to let myself out of the room and then cancel the rest of my shift due to feeling utterly violated, upset, scared and in pain.

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Response from Maria Fenn, Nursing Co-director, Gynaecology Services Division, Royal Hospital for Women 2 months ago
Maria Fenn
Nursing Co-director, Gynaecology Services Division,
Royal Hospital for Women
Submitted on 16/10/2024 at 3:58 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 3:58 PM

Dear Pinkwhiz

Thank you for your feedback regarding your experience with the Royal Hospital for Women Gynaecology Service.

I am very sorry to read of your experience and would like to offer my apology. The Royal Hospital for Women has a high expectation for quality care and this includes processes are in place to ensure informed consent is obtained, and providing good clinical support during a procedure, pain relief and appropriate care after the procedure to all women. We understand the importance of good communication and informed consent especially because of the sensitive nature of gynaecology procedures particularly involving colposcopy examinations so that women should fully understand what is involved, why its needed and what to expect before, during and after the procedure. I am so sorry that we did not meet this expectation and that this experience has caused you distress.

The issues you have raised are important and I would like to have the opportunity to discuss them with you directly, if you should feel comfortable to do so, please feel free to phone my office on 02 9382 6583.

Kind regards

Maria Fenn

Nursing Co-Director Women’s Health and Gynaecological Services

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