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About: King Edward Memorial Hospital / Maternity

(as the patient),

I was lucky to be looked after by the MGP from KEMH and had a great experience. This was my second pregnancy and the care I received was so much better than the regular antenatal service I had for my first.

My midwife followed me the whole time (from 20 weeks), delivered my baby and did the home visits afterwards too. 

Having a familiar face all this time and being able to build a trust relationship with my midwife made a huge difference on the big day: as soon as I heard her voice as she walked in the birthing suite I felt a huge relief and was ready to push. 

She knew how I wanted to give birth, what was important for my partner and myself and I had complete trust in any suggestion she made. I knew she would respect all of our wishes as much as possible. That resulted in an easy and beautiful birth that I am very grateful for.

Thank you MGP and in particular Jascinta, my amazing midwife.

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Response from Kirsty Officer, A/Director Safety Quality and Performance, Safety Quality and Performance, Women and Newborn Heath Service 2 months ago
Kirsty Officer
A/Director Safety Quality and Performance, Safety Quality and Performance,
Women and Newborn Heath Service
Submitted on 26/09/2024 at 5:31 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 27/09/2024 at 8:50 AM

Dear travellerfh93

Congratulations on the birth of your baby and thank you for sharing your story with us. I’m so pleased to hear about the excellent care you received with the Midwifery Group Practice(MGP) program at King Edward Memorial Hospital. We are extremely proud of the level of commitment our MGP team bring to their roles. They are always delighted to receive such warm recognition.

Your birthing experience demonstrates the positive benefits of the continuity of care provided by the MGP team and I am pleased to hear the care you received exceeded your expectations. I will be sure that your very kind feedback is passed on to Jascinta. As you've highlighted, she is incredibly professional and knowledgeable, and we're lucky to have her on our team!

Best wishes


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