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"Heart rate monitoring for water birth"

About: Broome Health Campus / Maternity/Midwifery

(as the patient),

I am going to have my baby at Broome Hospital soon and I am hoping for a water birth. I have been told that I need to have monitoring for my baby during labour and that because of this I can’t get in the bath. I have heard that there are monitors that are able to be put underwater but unfortunately Broome hasn’t got one even though they have new baths for birth! I hope that this is something that can be purchased to help me and the other Mums of Broome have low intervention despite being told we are “high risk”.

Friends of mine have been told they can’t get in the bath because they need the heart rate monitor and I hope this isn’t the case for me.

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Response from Sally Clark, Clinical Nurse Manager, Maternity Unit, Broome Hospital 2 months ago
Sally Clark
Clinical Nurse Manager, Maternity Unit,
Broome Hospital
Submitted on 3/10/2024 at 5:14 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 9/10/2024 at 12:40 PM

picture of Sally Clark

Dear violetsx37

That is very exciting to hear that your baby is due soon!

Our renovated birth suites provide great options for water use in labour and birth. Both birth suites have access to double shower heads in the large bathrooms and one room does have a bath for labour and birth. I can hear that you have concerns about monitoring the baby in water and that we don’t currently have a monitor that is safe to be submerged. I am currently waiting for a quote to see if we can purchase this new piece of equipment. There are a number of reasons that water birth is sometimes not a safe option which is better to discuss with our team. If you would like to contact me directly on 0417496457 to discuss this further, I would be more than happy for this.

Thank you very much for taking the time to publish your “Opinion” this is certainly a great way of being able to hear how we can better support women birthing in Broome.

Kindest Regards,


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