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"Unacceptably Long Wait Times"

About: Rockingham General Hospital / Gynaecology

(as the patient),

I have been waiting since October 2021 for an appointment. That's how long my referral has been going on. I have been in chronic pain now for the last 5 months. The pain is 7/10 with painkillers. My GP keeps referring me hoping for a new triage, but I still have yet to be seen. It's unacceptable, beyond absurd in my opinion.

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Response from Clive Mulroy, A/Executive Director , Rockingham Peel Group, South Metropolitan Health Service 3 months ago
Clive Mulroy
A/Executive Director , Rockingham Peel Group,
South Metropolitan Health Service
Submitted on 18/09/2024 at 1:02 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 19/09/2024 at 9:00 AM

picture of Clive Mulroy

Dear caelumjt38,

Thank you for your feedback regarding the time you have had to wait for an appointment. We are very sorry that you have been waiting so long.

Every referral we receive is triaged and appointments are allocated depending on the urgency of the case, for example suspected cancer. We aim to see every patient within a reasonable timeframe but sometimes these priority patients will result in other patient’s appointments being delayed.

We ask patients to maintain contact with their GP and to escalate any deterioration in their condition to us. We regularly review referrals to ensure they are still in the appropriate category. Please contact our Consumer Liaison Office on 9599 4323 and provide details of your referral to enable us to investigate further.

Kind regards,

Clive Mulroy

A/Executive Director

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