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"Colonoscopy procedure"

About: Leongatha Memorial Hospital

(as the patient),

I had the procedure at the Gippsland southern health hospital (Leongatha) 

The care from the moment I was taken in was exceptional, professional and very caring. 

They were not in a hurry to push me out the door, they listened to my concerns and assisted in making sure I was comfortable and felt safe. 

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Response from Louise Sparkes, Chief Executive Officer, Executive, Gippsland Southern Health Service 3 months ago
Louise Sparkes
Chief Executive Officer, Executive,
Gippsland Southern Health Service

Chief Executive Officer

Submitted on 2/09/2024 at 9:46 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 10:18 AM

picture of Louise Sparkes

Dear mikekk64,

Thank you for your lovely feedback. I am pleased that you felt the staff were so professional, warm and caring. The staff do a wonderful job, and they will be so pleased to hear that they made a difference to your experience.

I hope you are recovering well.



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