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"Partner in residential care"

About: Koorooman House

(as a relative),

My partner is a diabetic, they have an arm button /sensor to check sugar levels  

Every 2 weeks sensor is to be changed and most times the facility doesn’t order sensor in time for it to be changed 

I asked recently about sensor and l was told it was put on. A couple of hours later, the story changed was told that sensor hasn’t come from pharmacy.

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Response from Jenny Dempster, Executive Director of Clinical Services, Gippsland Southern Health Service 4 months ago
Jenny Dempster
Executive Director of Clinical Services,
Gippsland Southern Health Service
Submitted on 26/08/2024 at 6:55 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 30/08/2024 at 9:00 AM

Dear normaek98,

I am so sorry for the poorly coordinated care and communication you have received in this instance. We have worked through the complex process of ordering this device from Diabetes Services Scheme to ensure this does not happen again. I understand that our Aged Care Coordinator has been in contact to discuss the issue and the solutions personally. Please don't hesitate to contact any of our senior team if you have any further concerns.

Kind Regards

Jenny Dempster

Director of Clinical Services

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