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"Infant Croup"

About: Albany Health Campus / Emergency Department

(as a parent/guardian),

I took my baby up to AHC because they had croup. Upon arrival to AHC the front desk person said that they had to do a RAT Test on my baby. I politely declined and stated that they do not require a RAT Test to be done because they are already in discomfort and was in respiratory distress.

The front desk person responded in a defensive demeanour, I felt, and asked why not. I responded to them and said that we are no longer required to do RAT Tests when asked and that it will make no difference to how you treat my baby. When I was let through to get my baby seen to, we had a lovely doctor and nurse helping us through it and they were very professional.

When the night doctor arrived I overheard the handover from the first doctor to another doctor. The first doctor informed the second doctor that I had declined the RAT Test. I recall they immediately responded with 'What! and then asked why I declined the RAT Test and that my baby could have CROVID (Croup Covid). The first doctor then asked me why I declined the RAT Test and I responded by saying I have already told the nurse and also informed them that I could hear the second doctor complaining about me. The first doctor then went and informed the second doctor. 

If I say no to a RAT Test, I believe you should not question why I decline it. Medical staff do not have authority over patients and in my opinion, do not have powers to question their patients on their personal beliefs. I do not appreciate the way this was handled by medical staff. 

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Response from Albany Health Campus 4 months ago
Submitted on 21/08/2024 at 3:07 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 3:24 PM

Dear orangewx43

Thank you for sharing your story on Care Opinion. We are very sorry that you experienced a defensive demeanour from the Emergency Department staff. From your story there appears a number of points at which our communication could have been better so we will share your story at our next team meeting.

The current WACHS management guideline for Covid-19 / Acute respiratory Illness (ARI) does require that patients who are symptomatic for Covid-19 have a rapid antigen test. This is not just a diagnostic guide for treating the patient we are testing; it is also about protecting other vulnerable people in the department and managing the flow of patients through the department. As clinicians we do routinely and respectfully question patients or family members to determine why an intervention has been declined. Often with a discussion people change their minds if they have more information about the importance of the intervention (speaking generally not just about RATs). It was not our intention to question your personal beliefs, we just wanted to deliver safe and high quality healthcare to your baby.

However, in hindsight, given the discomfort caused by croup in an infant, perhaps we could have avoided suggesting a RAT as the last thing we would want to do is cause additional discomfort or agitation to your baby.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to reflect on your experience.

Best wishes.

The AHC Emergency Department Leadership Team

Vicky Besier / Dr Richard Leslie / Dr James Teh

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