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"Postnatal Care and Experience"

About: Child and Adolescent Health Service King Edward Memorial Hospital / Maternity

(as a parent/guardian),

First and foremost, I want to thank all the midwives who went above and beyond for me and my baby before, during and after birth at KEMH. I have nothing but admiration and respect for you all and always felt the continuity of care provided by the MGP team and the midwifery team we had during our 4 days PP exceeded our expectations. However, I was really disappointed with the lack of communication I encountered from the paediatric team following the birth.

I birthed my baby and was due to be discharged 4 hours afterwards after a beautiful birth. Something showed up on my baby’s 20 week scan that the Paediatricians wanted to investigate and due to ultrasound not being open we had to stay overnight. I didn’t have any issues with this whatsoever.

The following day came and my little baby was taken off for their ultrasound. I was told the Registrar would look at the report and get back to me by that afternoon and all going well we could go home. The day came and went and by 9pm I hadn’t had any update. Midwives continued to page the doctors and eventually one came to tell me they had a quick look at the report and all seemed well but they needed the senior doctor to revisit and that would happen the following day. So we stayed another night.

The following morning came and went and two different doctors said that the scans looked ok and not too concerning and we might just need a follow up ultrasound in a couple of weeks. However at about lunchtime my little one was whisked off for some blood work and needed a liver function test. After 2 failed attempts at drawing enough blood from my baby’s heel, they needed to have blood drawn from their hand. At this stage I could sense the urgency with the bloods and knew something was up, but no doctor came to explain why they needed the tests done. The midwives tried their best to reassure me but I could sense something was wrong. I was told if the liver function test came back clear we could go home. I was so excited as I missed my toddler and couldn’t wait to start our new family life as a family of 4. At about 6pm I was told by a midwife that the liver function test came back clear but I couldn’t leave as another sample had been sent to another hospital and we needed those results back too. I wasn’t aware this had happened, nor was I aware that a further hospital were requesting these bloods.  Again no doctor had come to explain why was happening and why they needed that extra blood work done. I was told the results would take 2 hours at about 5pm. However, at 10pm a midwife came to tell me that the sample never left KEMH lab and it was a mix up. I was so so upset. It was day 3 postpartum and all I wanted was clear communication and someone to explain what was happening.

Eventually on the next day we got all blood work back and it was explained that the general surgery team at the second hospital were requesting these tests to be sure. We thankfully got the all clear from them.

My upset is that at no stage did the person requesting these bloods come to chat to me and explain what and why they were doing tests. I was continually told that it wasn’t anything to be concerned about but really just wanted open and clear communication from someone. I did get an explanation of the ultrasound results but was told repeatedly that it wasn’t anything sinister and not to worry. Each day I told I was going home and each day I was then told I couldn’t. My toddler was distraught as their mum was away for so long too.

The severe lack of communication was so disappointing and really made my anxiety and worry increase. I feel if someone explained everything to me at the start I would have not been so concerned and would have understand why these tests were being carried out.

I appreciate doctors are busy and we were in safe hands but I would have liked a clear explanation and to have been informed of what tests were being done and why from the start.

We are very thankfully everything was ok and our little baby is safe and well at home. 

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Mary Sharp, Medical Co-Director, Neonatology - Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Child and Adolescent Health Service last week
Mary Sharp
Medical Co-Director, Neonatology - Neonatal Intensive Care Unit,
Child and Adolescent Health Service
Submitted on 6/09/2024 at 4:14 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 4:15 PM

Dear asteropeqf74

Congratulations on the birth of your baby. Thank you for taking the time to share your story regarding your recent stay at King Edward Memorial Hospital (KEMH) with us, and I am sorry it has taken so long to respond.

I was pleased to hear about the excellent care you received from the midwives throughout your pregnancy and the birth of your baby. The Midwifery Group Practice (MGP) team bring such commitment to their roles, and they are always delighted to receive such warm recognition. Your positive experience is a credit to the midwives who supported you at this exciting time.

I was saddened to read that your baby required additional testing to investigate a finding on the 20 week scan. I can understand that this would have been worrying for you and I’m very sorry that the lack of communication from our medical team about the tests added to your anxiety. I will share your feedback with the team so we can improve the care we provide to families at KEMH. Please reach out to me if you would like to discuss your concerns further. The best way to contact me is by phone on 6456 0032 or by email at

I’m very pleased to hear that your baby is well and wish you all the very best.

Yours sincerely


Dr Mary Sharp

Medical Co-Director, Neonatology

Child and Adolescent Health Service

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