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"ED at KHC"

About: Kalgoorlie Health Campus / Emergency Department

(as the patient),

I presented to KHC earlier this month for suspected sepsis.  The Ambos who brought me were terrific, giving me a RATS test and finding covid instead.  I was put into a room with the door always shut.  A Doctor, whose name I missed, but his watch was on his bicep, conducted many tests, including a blood test and an xray. While the Doctor was away, a nurse Clare, attended to me with blood pressure and Sats.  There was some discussion on whether I stay in overnight or free to go home.  I got a Script for Antivirals, and sent home. Thanks to Nurse Clare and the Doctor. I am recovering slowly.

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Response from Alicia Michalanney, A/Director, Kalgoorlie Health Campus, WA Country Health Service 5 months ago
Alicia Michalanney
A/Director, Kalgoorlie Health Campus,
WA Country Health Service

Leader of the teams and services at the Kalgoorlie Health Campus

Submitted on 19/06/2024 at 7:31 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 20/06/2024 at 8:49 AM

picture of Alicia Michalanney

Dear Keizh45

Thank you for telling us about the care you received at Kalgoorlie Health Campus.

I am so glad that the whole team was able to work together with you, for a thorough examination, diagnosis and safe discharge too. I will pass on your appreciation to the team, especially to Clare and Dylan (we used your description of the doctor to track him down😉).

I hope you are well and truly on the mend now. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if there is anything else we can do to help. You can either phone 9080 5817 or email

Kindest regards Alicia

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