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"My experience with pneumonia"

About: Karratha Health Campus / Emergency Department

(as the patient),

Recently, I went to Karratha Health Campus complaining of fever, chills, sweating and a consistent painful headache. These symptoms had been ongoing for a few days, despite the fact that I was taking Paracetamol and Ibuprofen regularly. I had told the doctor that I was concerned about my fever and headache as it was consistent, and I was in a lot of pain and discomfort. My concerns were dismissed and told it is probably viral. I had COVID tests done prior to seeing the doctors. Yet my COVID tests were negative.

I had stressed to the doctors and nurses that I was concerned about the amount of Paracetamol and Ibuprofen that I was ingesting. I also explained that I was concerned that my symptoms were not getting better, yet they were worsening. I did express that I was worried about having a febrile seizure because my body temperature was so high. I did express that I was concerned about the intense, painful headache I was experiencing. My concerns were once again dismissed, and I was told that it was probably the result of a virus.

I had asked the doctor for a stronger pain relief as they pain relief, I was taking was not helping relive my symptoms. I felt that I was immediately categorized by the doctors as a drug dependent patient. The training doctor had told me she wouldn't be allowed to prescribe me with opioids, despite the fact that I did not request opioids. I had refused to be prescribed opioids as I have young children. I had asked to have an anti-inflammatory injection to help my headache. It provided minimal relief, as the pain in my head was still present.

The following day I woke up with a developed cough and the same symptoms I had been experiencing since a few days earlier. I made an appointment online with a virtual doctor, explained my symptoms that I had been experiencing since a few days ago. I requested antibiotics from the doctor because I had a consistent high temperature for a few days now. I felt that there was a possible infection in my body. The virtual doctor was reluctant to provide me with antibiotics as he wasn't certain if I had a chest infection or pneumonia. He asked that I get my chest listened to by a doctor and get an Xray done as soon as possible. I returned to Karratha Health Campus that morning and discussed this with the triage nurse. I recall they laughed and dismissed the virtual doctor's possible diagnosis. I recall they said that it won’t be pneumonia if I only developed a cough that day, it’s probably viral. More COVID tests were done which returned a negative result.

I was called in by the doctor. They explained that they will work closely with another doctor. I was happy to proceed as I was in a lot of pain and discomfort.

Afterwards, my x-ray had confirmed that I had pneumonia. I was told by the doctor that I had ‘a bit’ of pneumonia on my lower right side. They pointed the location of the infection out on themself. I was not shown my x-ray results.

The doctor did not ask if I was employed and needed a medical certificate. They did not advise me to stay away from my place of work as I could potentially spread the infection. I'm not sure what gave them the impression that I was unemployed and not needing a medical certificate. I'm not sure what made them think that I could still return to work when clearly my body needed to rest and fight off the infection.

The doctor returned to my cubicle with a script for antibiotics. A course of Amoxicillin for five days. They stood at the entrance, with their body halfway through the medical curtain as they handed me my script. The doctor was ready to leave the cubicle, before I had asked them if I can wet my body, they replied yes and explained that I should return if my fever lasts for more than two days, if I experience vomiting and/or diarrhea. I was not advised to return to the emergency department at all if I had experienced difficulty breathing or chest pains.

A couple of days later I returned to the hospital via ambulance as I was having difficulty breathing. I was hospitalized for two nights, where I had learned that the infection had traveled to the middle lobe of my right lung.

I feel that the advice and knowledge that I was given by the staff at Karratha Health Campus was very poor and incompetent. I kept getting told that my symptoms were viral. If I hadn't gotten a second opinion outside of Karratha Health Campus, I feel that my symptoms could have worsened instantly.

My treatment plan was not sufficient at all. I am glad that I listened to myself and returned to hospital when I was having difficulty breathing, as the infection had gotten worse. Being sent home with anti-biotics shouldn't have been the situation I strongly felt that I should have been hospitalized on the day when I was diagnosed with pneumonia.

I feel that I have lost my trust and faith in the medical staff at Karratha Health Campus. They did not take me seriously and when I was diagnosed with a serious lung infection I was not treated promptly, which I strongly believe lead to my infection worsening.

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Response from Matt Wells, A/Executive Director, Pilbara, WA Country Health Service (WACHS) 2 months ago
Matt Wells
A/Executive Director, Pilbara,
WA Country Health Service (WACHS)
Submitted on 21/06/2024 at 2:16 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 2:17 PM

Dear triangulumsk37

Thank you for sharing your recent experiences at the Karratha Health Campus Emergency Department with us. I am genuinely sorry you felt dismissed and unheard, and that the treatment plan you were provided did not meet your needs. This must have been a distressing experience for you.

I invite you to contact me so we can discuss your experience in more detail, and I can learn about what happened and initiate a review with the clinical team. If you are willing, we could involve you in discussions at the completion of the review for the outcomes / recommendations as a result. You can contact me on 08 9144 7652, or via email:

I hope you are recovering well from the pneumonia. Please do not hesitate to present to the Emergency Department in the future with any deteriorating health concerns. I look forward to hearing from you soon so we can work together to restore your trust and faith in our clinicians.

Warm regards

Matt Wells

A/Operations Manager West Pilbara

WA Country Health Service (WACHS) Pilbara

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