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"My premature baby born 7 weeks early"

About: Rockingham General Hospital / Maternity, Labour Ward, Nursery and Level 2 Care Nursery

(as a parent/guardian),

At 1.5 weeks old my baby was pushed out of another hospital's neonatal unit. I moved to Rockingham Hospital against my wishes. The neonatal unit at Rockingham Hospital then pushed 2.5 week old son home.

A week later we rang the neonatal unit as per their request if we had concerns, we rang with concerns for our 3.5 week old premature baby and was told nothing was wrong and were dismissed by the nurse on call. We then rang health direct not satisfied with the call to neonatal unit with the same story who advised us it was an emergency and to present to ED.

We presented to ED at Rockingham Hospital to which we were rushed in to the resus area to have 2 doctors and 4 nurses working on our baby. The next day after admission into the PEADS ward we were informed our baby was septic.

I feel the neonatal unit had neglected my baby in a time of need especially being 7 weeks premature. At 3.5 weeks old we almost lost our baby twice once at birth and now due to neonatals advice that our baby were fine - they should of at least asked us to come in to sight in before making a decision. As parents we feel like we haven’t been listened to and the care up until now by the neonatal staff was seemingly neglectful. I feel we are lucky to have our baby still here. No sorry from any department from the hospital no responsibility had been taken either. We are very disappointed and feel parents need to be listened to more when it comes to concerns for their children. 

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Response from Clive Mulroy, A/Executive Director , Rockingham Peel Group, South Metropolitan Health Service 6 months ago
Clive Mulroy
A/Executive Director , Rockingham Peel Group,
South Metropolitan Health Service
Submitted on 21/06/2024 at 12:16 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 12:17 PM

picture of Clive Mulroy

Dear djhk55

Thank you for sharing your recent experience at Rockingham General Hospital (RGH). Your situation sounds very distressing and I acknowledge your frustrations and the difficulties you have faced. It is very frightening when your baby is ill and requires admission to the neo-natal unit and, subsequently, to feel that staff are not listening to your concerns. I am aware that you have since met with the Head of Service and the Senior Nurse to discuss these issues and that the matter is now resolved. Thank you for taking the time to raise these points on Care Opinion; we actively seek feedback in order to improve the service we provide. I hope that your son is recovering well and is continuing to thrive.



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