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"A Call for Compassionate GP Training"

About: GPs in the Curtin Electoral District

(as the patient),

I want to share an experience that has inspired me to advocate for better training and education for General Practitioners (GPs) in handling patients with eating disorders. I am in my 50s and I had eating disorders from the age of 12 until 22 years of age.

Recently, I walked into my General Practice with a blend of hope and a bit of nervousness. I had been dealing with sudden weight gain following a hysterectomy and surgical menopause and was seeking some compassionate guidance. My GP's response, however, turned out to be quite a surprise.

Instead of the support I was hoping for, I felt my GP met my concerns with unexpected bluntness. They suggested I needed to lose 20kg, a goal that is not only extreme but also unrealistic for my health. Even at my thinnest, I’ve never been anywhere near that weight.

Their advice was stark: Don't come in here asking about weight loss options until you are seriously exercising—and by that, I mean seriously exercising. Don't eat more than a small avocado for breakfast because that is fat, only one egg a day, eat lettuce for lunch with a tiny portion of protein for both lunch and dinner! Nothing else, except for perhaps some steamed vegetables.”

While I felt their comments were surprising and lacked empathy, they highlighted an important issue. I left the appointment feeling a bit off, but it also got me thinking about how many others might have had similar experiences.

Reflecting on this, I suspect they might have assumed I was seeking a prescription for Ozempic, which influenced their harsh and impractical advice. This experience made me realize the urgent need for an educational program to better equip GPs with the latest research and guidelines on managing these sensitive situations.

I believe such training should focus on what not to say to patients and how to offer supportive, realistic, and individualized advice. Are there any organizations currently offering such programs, or could one be developed with experts in the field? Better-informed and empathetic GPs can significantly improve patient care and outcomes.

Thank you for listening to my story. I hope it sparks a conversation about the vital changes needed in GP training to ensure better, more compassionate care for all patients.

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