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"Teen Triple P seminars"

About: Geraldton Community Health Service

(as a service user),

I have recently completed the Teen Triple P Seminar series with school nurse Deb. The only reason this service was available to me was because it was held online and after hours. I was so grateful to be able to attend all 3 seminars and feel so lucky that Nurse Deb was facilitating these sessions.

Deb was such an amazing resource and her passion for adolescents and Triple P was evident. She was professional, compassionate and funny. She made me feel like I was already doing such an amazing job as a parent, while still helping me see some needs that my child may have that I could help meet. I had some questions during one of the seminars that she wasnt able to answer immediately and at the next seminar she had so much information for me. It was clear that she really listened to my concerns and wanted to provide some extra assistance to me, and had made a great effort to find it. I have already implemented some of the suggested strategies and my household is much happier, and I feel much more confident in my parenting ability.

Living in a rural area means that so many resources are out of reach for our family. Being able to access this online and out of normal business hours ensured that I could attend. I hope that this service can continue so that other families are able to attend and have the same positive experience that I have. 

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Response from Karen Street, Director Population Health, WACHS Midwest 10 months ago
Karen Street
Director Population Health,
WACHS Midwest
Submitted on 28/05/2024 at 4:11 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 4:25 PM

picture of Karen Street

Dear liberatorkf65

Thank you for sharing your lovely feedback with us. As the parent of a teen myself I understand that finding time to attend this type of workshop can be so tricky in the already extremely busy schedule of a parent. Having it take place outside regular business hours is new for us also and it is really great to hear that the timing was appreciated by those who attended.

I was delighted to read of the positive impact Deb and the Teen Triple P Seminar series has had on you and your family. Deb skilfully engages with the attendees and provides a very supportive environment for them to share their concerns. I am not surprised by Deb making a great effort to find answers to your questions, for her it is all about supporting our families.

I have already shared your story with Deb and added my own appreciation of all she does supporting teens and their families throughout our community.


Karen Street

Director Population Health

WA Country Health Service

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