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"Attending the Urgent Care Centre with a injury to my finger"

About: Leongatha Memorial Hospital

(as the patient),

I attended the UCC recently after accidentally snipping into my fingertip whilst gardening.

Scott was the nurse on duty and immediately made me feel very comfortable. He was super communicative - explaining what he was going to do to look at and clean the wound - with an exceptionally good sense of humour. Although I was in pain and feeling a bit woozy from the injury and blood (being a bit squeamish about such things), it was actually quite entertaining and fun to be in the hospital!

The doctor who came by (who's name I didn't catch) was also a delight and provided me with helpful information on care. The banter between him and Scott was a welcome distraction.

All in all it was a great and positive interaction with the hospital and I received tremendous care for my injured finger.

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Response from Louise Sparkes, Chief Executive Officer, Executive, Gippsland Southern Health Service 7 months ago
Louise Sparkes
Chief Executive Officer, Executive,
Gippsland Southern Health Service

Chief Executive Officer

Submitted on 22/05/2024 at 2:01 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 3:10 PM

picture of Louise Sparkes

Hello Mirboo North Gardner

Thank you for your lovely feedback regarding your visit to the Leongatha Urgent Care Centre after you injured your finger in the garden.

Scott and the team will be very pleased to hear you had such a positive and entertaining visit. We will pass on your feedback to them.

I hope that you finger is on the mend, and you can be back in the garden soon.

Take care


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