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"Endoscopy and colonoscopy"

About: Royal Perth Hospital / Stomach, Bowel and Liver Care (Gastroenterology and Hepatology)

(as the patient),

It was recently when I had the two procedures done, at RPH.

The staff I saw were absolutely fantastic, total care while i was there. I felt the doctors were also fantastic, everything went smoothly, i have no bad things to say, so thank you all very much for your care.



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Response from Ben Noteboom, Executive Director, Royal Perth Bentley Group 8 months ago
Ben Noteboom
Executive Director,
Royal Perth Bentley Group
Submitted on 2/04/2024 at 3:07 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 3:15 PM

picture of Ben Noteboom

Dear Peper100,

Thank you for taking the time to provide this wonderful feedback about your experience with Royal Perth Hospital’s Gastroenterology Department. I am so pleased to know you were shown such fantastic care and your treatment went smoothly.

I have passed on your kind words directly to the Gastroenterology team with my thanks on your behalf. I know they will be happy to hear they made your hospital journey such a positive experience.

I wish you all the best.

Kind Regards,

Ben Noteboom

Executive Director

Royal Perth Bentley Group

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