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"Cardiology misdiagnosed"

About: Royal Perth Hospital / Cardiology Care & Clinic Royal Perth Hospital / Respiratory Medicine & Ward 9C

(as a relative),

My parent who is in their 80s has been on the “Urgent” list for a stent,  visited a cardiologist recently at RPH for stent consult, and was told that their heart was stronger than ever! Too weird so my other parent arranged an appointment with their GP the following week and their GP was horrified!

The GP tried to contact the cardiologist there and then but could not get through.  The GP resent my parent's recent ECG and stress results to RPH believing the cardiologist had not seen them.  How does this happen?  

My parent is going into RHP respiratory very soon to have a biopsy and fluid drained from their lung. Their GP is concerned because of the seriousness of their heart condition and has requested we ask for the head nurse and hand deliver my parent's heart results. 

I am beside myself at the time of writing this, worried that my parent may be treated wrongly.  How can a cardiologist who has been given a patient to consult for a stent seemingly not question their “perfectly strong” heart diagnosis?  

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Response from Ben Noteboom, Executive Director, Royal Perth Bentley Group 10 months ago
Ben Noteboom
Executive Director,
Royal Perth Bentley Group
Submitted on 1/03/2024 at 3:57 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 3:57 PM

picture of Ben Noteboom

Dear Mygoodness71,

I greatly appreciate you taking the time to share your parent’s story with us. Royal Perth Hospital (RPH) is committed to providing the highest quality of care and treatment for all our patients and I would like to begin by offering a sincere apology on behalf of the hospital for your family’s negative experience.

I would like to ensure your parent has received the appropriate Cardiology treatment, therefore I encourage you to contact our Patient Experience Team on (08) 9224 1637 or via email: will allow us to conduct a thorough investigation into your concerns.

With respect to your parent’s upcoming Respiratory procedure at RPH, your feedback has been provided to the Head of Department and their Respiratory team for awareness. Please be assured that family members are always welcome to attend appointments with their loved ones and this will provide an opportunity to have any concerns you have to be heard and discussed with staff at the time.

I truly wish your parent all the best.

Best Wishes

Ben Noteboom

Executive Director

Royal Perth Bentley Group

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