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"AVMGP care"

About: Avon Valley Midwifery Group Practice

(as the patient),

Pre-natal and post-partum care through AVMGP for my first born child was excellent. The team at Northam were attentive, knowledgeable, reassuring and supportive; an empowering, women-centred and low intervention care model.

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Response from Russell Colyer-Cockburn, Operations Manager Western Wheatbelt, WA Country Health Service - Wheatbelt 10 months ago
Russell Colyer-Cockburn
Operations Manager Western Wheatbelt,
WA Country Health Service - Wheatbelt
Submitted on 15/02/2024 at 6:33 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 16/02/2024 at 9:44 AM

picture of Russell Colyer-Cockburn

Dear avocetpg49

Thank you so much for your lovely feedback.

Our Avon Valley (Northam) Midwifery Group Practice is a strongly valued service and always aims to provide gold standard midwifery care, and I am so pleased to read that this was your experience.

I will pass on your thoughts to the team.

Congratulations on the birth of your first baby!

Kind Regards

Russell Colyer-Cockburn

Regional Director of Nursing & Midwifery

WA Country Health Service - Wheatbelt

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