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"Maternity ward phone advice"

About: Joondalup Private Hospital

(as the patient),

I was told if I had any questions, problems or concerns to just call the maternity ward. 

At 23 Weeks pregnant, mid morning I phoned maternity ward as I had noticed more discharge than normal and had been feeling quite uncomfortable, also noted we were returning home 5 hours away. I was told by the midwife that no need to come in and to see my GP in 24 hours if not resolved.  

12 hours later I was having a emergency C Section in a regional hospital, for a 23 Week old premie. 

I wish I had have been told to come in and just be checked, I feel it could have been a different end to our story. 

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Response from Shane Tobin-Longly, Acting Director of Clinical Services, Joondalup Health Campus 12 months ago
Shane Tobin-Longly
Acting Director of Clinical Services,
Joondalup Health Campus
Submitted on 11/01/2024 at 2:39 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 2:39 PM

Dear Ruralpatient22,

Thank you for reaching out to Joondalup Health Campus (JHC) through Care Opinion and sharing your story.

I am so sorry to hear about your experience, this must have been extremely distressing for you and your family.

I would like the team at JHC to have the opportunity to review the events of that day, which we are unable to do without some additional information.

I would like to apologise again for your experience and encourage you to contact the Consumer Liaison Team at JHC who will listen to your story and take further details.

Following our review, JHC would also like the opportunity to work with you to identify any potential opportunities to improve our service.

Consumer Liaison can be contacted on (08) 9400 9672 or via email


Shane Tobin-Longly.

Acting Director of Clinical Services

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