My little girl was born 7 weeks early and spent 5 weeks in the neonatal ward. From birth I had to express milk to bottle feed and we started to practise breastfeeding. We struggled with latching and my baby girl wasn’t strong enough to get a full feed by breast. A top up with expressed milk was required.
The WACHS Lactation Support Service has been very supportive in our breastfeeding journey. Being very remote it makes its hard to receive specific health support. The phone calls and supportive emails from the Lactation Specialist have been very helpful and supportive. The lactation specialist has been able to take away my anxiety around latching (with and without a breast shield) and the issues around not being able to feed her enough during a breastfeed. I still express and bottle feed my baby at most times. Which has also been supported by the lactation specialist. She discussed all options of feeding, like breastfeeding, expressing and formula without making you feel bad about any of these options and the possibility of utilising all options.
The lactation specialist provided good general advice around the health of my baby and listened well to my personal circumstances.
Whilst physical support by a lactation specialist is preferred, for obvious reasons I’m very glad to talk to specialist and video call if required.
About: Telehealth Service - WACHS Goldfields Telehealth Service - WACHS Goldfields Kalgoorlie 6430
Posted by Happy Baby (as ),
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