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"Imaging department phones"

About: Kalgoorlie Health Campus / Medical Imaging

(as a relative),

My spouse was given a US request recently.

I started the process, emailed request to them and had been phoning for about 3 days only to speak to the answering service. 

Have rung over 20 times. 

Re sent email and faxed the form. 

Still no reply. 

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Response from Alicia Michalanney, A/Director, Kalgoorlie Health Campus, WA Country Health Service 14 months ago
We have made a change
Alicia Michalanney
A/Director, Kalgoorlie Health Campus,
WA Country Health Service

Leader of the teams and services at the Kalgoorlie Health Campus

Submitted on 25/10/2023 at 3:29 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 3:53 PM

picture of Alicia Michalanney

Dear elephantfk49,

I am sorry for your poor experience, but appreciate you reaching out. It is through feedback like yours that we have been able to make some changes.

We have now implemented a process for the incoming phones in our Medical Imaging Department to be diverted during busy times, so calls should now always be answered.

We are continuing to look for more opportunities to improve our customer service, by streamlining referral management and the booking processes too.

Unfortunately, as CareOpinion is anonymous, I cannot check to see if your spouse has been booked in yet. If you would like me to follow up on their appointment, please don’t hesitate to contact 9080 5817 or and I can arrange this.

Many thanks, Alicia

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