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"Care at the health hub"

About: Cowes Phillip Island Health Hub / Urgent Care Centre

(as a service user),

I present to the urgent care at Cowes on recently after being advised my nurse on call to present. I have a broken rib and internal bleeding from an accident that happened recently. I recall the nurse rolled their eyes and shook their head that I had presented there, that I should have driven to Wonthaggi. The doctor who saw my asked me and I recall, if I had a magic wand what would you like me to do for you. 

I had a life threatening accident a few days before my presentation with injures discharge summaries and all the information I needed.

I was asked to change into a grown and two people stayed with me behind the curtains. I had to ask both of them to give me privacy to change. 

I felt this experience was revolting and I then informed staff I was leaving as I was unhappy with my care.

I will not present to Cowes urgent care again which is not ideal as a Cowes resident and in need of more health care at this time.

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Response from Jan Child, CEO, Bass Coast Health 17 months ago
Jan Child
Bass Coast Health
Submitted on 9/08/2023 at 7:38 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 10/08/2023 at 8:56 AM

picture of Jan Child

Dear traumatisedparent,

Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback. I am very keen to get your details so that we can speak directly to the nurse and the doctor involved in your care. My number is 0472846355 and if you could text me your name and number, we can connect and facilitate an investigation. It would never be appropriate for our staff to roll their eyes and I apologise; it may be that staff stayed with you because they were concerned for you, but I am keen to understand the context. I hope we are able to connect and I hope you are feeling better.

Kind Regards,


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