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"Broken arm in the southwest"

About: Bunbury Hospital / Outpatients Clinic

(as a parent/guardian),

Our local hospital didn't have the capacity to repair my child's broken arm sufficiently. We were advised to head to Bunbury hospital outpatients and they were expecting us. It seemed they had no idea we were coming, refused to acknowledge we needed care, they were unable to provide a treatment pathway.

They finally sent us to the ward. The ward advised there was Dr was waiting for us to arrive in outpatients and to make our way back there. We went back to outpatients. I felt they lied as no Dr was present. It was only after I complained and requested to speak with a senior member of staff that a Dr was allocated and sent back to the ward. All of this over several hours.

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Response from Karen Horsley, Co-Director Stream B, Bunbury Hospital, WACHS - South West about a year and a half ago
Karen Horsley
Co-Director Stream B, Bunbury Hospital,
WACHS - South West

Stream B includes: Surgical, Maternity, Paeds, Theatre, DPU, Waitlist and HSSU

Submitted on 4/08/2023 at 12:40 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 12:55 PM

picture of Karen Horsley

Dear telescopiumrr46,

I do hope your child has now recovered from their broken arm and life is returning to normal for the whole family.

I was saddened to hear that you were given the runaround with your child. An injured child needs their family members to be supporting them, not being sent from one department to the next. At Bunbury hospital we are working toward a no wrong door process whereby we do the chasing to ensure you get the care required.

I would like to hear directly from you so I can investigate your particular situation and also so we can learn and improve processes to prevent this from reoccurring. You can contact me via email on or ring me on 0436279568.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Karen Horsley Service Co -Director

  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful
Response from Steven Elvy, Outpatient Manager, Bunbury Hospital, WACHS - South West about a year and a half ago
We have made a change
Steven Elvy
Outpatient Manager, Bunbury Hospital,
WACHS - South West
Submitted on 11/08/2023 at 10:55 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 11:08 AM

picture of Steven Elvy

Dear telescopiumrr46,

I am pleased to hear that you and your child have been seen at the Bunbury Hospital Orthopaedic Clinic, and it sounds like your child's care is progressing.

Your feedback has been very beneficial and has led to a review of the process of patients needing urgent orthopedic review referred from regional sites. This is another step toward the no wrong door process Bunbury Hospital is working towards.

I wish you and your child a swift recovery

Thank you again for your feedback which does help us improve our service.



Outpatient Manager - Bunbury Hospital

  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful
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