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"Patient mix-up"

About: Albany Health Campus

(as the patient),

Last year I had to go and have a specialized check up because my eye socket, a vein burst in the back. When I got there this staff member was really good and gave me injections in the eye. The receptionist looked at the book and I recall said, you’ve got two people with the same name (and said the name) both born in the same year and some month (and said which month and year). Then, I recall, the receptionist said, they had cancer you didn’t. I don’t know why the receptionist said that.

Later I went back for a head injury. Every time they bought the scan up I thought that’s not mine. The doctor got the scans out and I believe had looked at the wrong patient (this patient with the same name as me) for 10 minutes.

Another time I had gone back to see another doctor they kept saying I was an alcoholic. This doctor said the issue was because I was a heavy drinker.

I was talking to the nurse and they gave me the card to call you up. We had a procedure and medicare wouldn’t pay and I went to Centrelink and every time they kept refusing to do it. I think they’ve been mixing me up with the wrong person.

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Response from Wendy McKinley, A/ AHC Director, WACHS GS about a year and a half ago
Wendy McKinley
A/ AHC Director,
Submitted on 8/08/2023 at 4:09 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 4:09 PM

Dear marchpd94,

Thank you for posting your story on Care Opinion. I was very disappointed to learn of your experience and wanted to let you know how sorry I am that you have been having these issues.

It is particularly concerning to hear that you may have been misidentified. I am hoping you will reach out to me directly so that I can ask a senior doctor to review your files to check that there has been no mix up and that you and the other patient you mentioned have been cared for appropriately.

I am also concerned regarding the sharing of patient information with you. Albany Health Campus takes patient confidentiality very seriously and I will ensure that the reception staff are reminded of their responsibility to safeguard patient information and only share it for the purposes of delivering safe care.

The last point I wanted to recognise is your comment that the doctor said you were an alcoholic and that your issue was because you are a heavy drinker. We expect that the team here always provide care in a way that is informed, honest, kind and compassionate and I would like to apologise if you were made to feel unwelcome or as if you are to blame.

If you would like to contact me to discuss this or any other matters you are concerned about I would be keen to hear from you. I am on 0477 525 212 and you are more than welcome to contact me directly.

Thank you again, marchpd94, without your feedback we don’t have the opportunity to do better.

Hopefully, I will hear from you soon.

All the best.

Wendy McKinley

A/Director Albany Health Campus

WA Country Health Service - Great Southern

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