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"Reimbursement time falls well below standards"

About: Patient Assisted Travel Scheme - WACHS Goldfields

(as a service user),

I have had the need to see specialists in perth over the past 6 months. It is taking longer and longer to get reimbursed. I believe that the fact there seems to be 1 staff member trying to cope with the entire PATS process is appalling. These are difficult financial times for many of us, I feel there needs to be a better turn around time for everyone not just me. It seems there are not a lot of choices for PATS to pay directly to motel. I recall the place I phoned said they don't do direct payment from PATS anymore as they take too long to pay. Based on my experience, please sort staffing to shorten reimbursement times.

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Response from Margaret Smillie, Operations Manager Esperance Hospital, WACHS - Goldfields 17 months ago
Margaret Smillie
Operations Manager Esperance Hospital,
WACHS - Goldfields
Submitted on 2/08/2023 at 12:02 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 12:28 PM

Dear pyxisbn96

Thank you for taking the time to let us know about your concerns regarding PATS services and processes. We apologise if recent reimbursement timeframes have not met your expectations. The standard state-wide expectation for PATS reimbursement is for payment to be made within 30 days of submission of appropriate paperwork. In the Goldfields, we are continually striving to achieve this timeframe and we work closely with our PATS Officers to ensure all requests are dealt with as soon as possible, prioritising urgent requests.

We have experienced staff shortages recently which has impacted on services. We have taken on board your comments that current reimbursement timeframes may cause financial hardship to some and for that I am terribly sorry. We continue to focus on maintaining a suitable level of staffing across Esperance and Kalgoorlie and to ensure we are meeting the required timeframe for reimbursement PATS Officers will be scheduled to work additional hours where possible.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me directly on 9079 8071.

Kind regards

Margaret Smillie
Operations Manager
Esperance Health Campus

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