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"Staff attitude"

About: Tom Price Hospital

(as a parent/guardian),

I went in with my adult child to attend an out patient appointment with a visiting agency. 

We needed a bit of help with accessing Medicare via Mygov , one of the questions to add Medicare is when was your last covid vaccination. 

When I went to reception,  first impressions wasn't very welcoming the orientation of reception means the staff have their backs to consumers and I could clearly see their screens including the video conference one was attending.

When I asked if they could help with the required information I felt I was treated like it was an imposition for them to help me , I explained we had an appointment and need one bit of information to confirm on my gov to complete the linking to Medicare . I asked if they could check on WEBPAS or AIR   I was told there was no nursing staff available to assist,  I asked if there was an immunisation clinic or anywhere else that could help . I was told to call Medicare- I had already been on hold over 45 min there. I was told that what I was asking for wasn't required to link Medicare and I reiterated that it was. One staff member seemed to look at me with absolute disgust and told me to try where the immunisation was given . I responded it was in prison so no my adult child can't try there.

One person asked to see my child's mobile unfortunately they had already gone into their appointment at that stage and I was getting frustrated by the attitude,  so I said you know what don't worry about it I will call another health service and see if they can help us. 

This is not the first time I feel we have been abruptly treated or spoken to like something that was stepped on.

And for me personally after a career spanning many years in health administration I was absolutely disappointed that this treatment of consumers is seemingly acceptable to any reception/ front of house staff .

I think you need to do better WACHS Pilbara. It's a small, remote community and as I understand it, people are aware of this ongoing behaviour.  And I feel we deserve better 

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Sarah Hennings, Operations Manager, Inland Pilbara, WA Country Health Service (WACHS) Pilbara nearly 2 years ago
We are preparing to make a change
Sarah Hennings
Operations Manager, Inland Pilbara,
WA Country Health Service (WACHS) Pilbara

Manages the operations of health services located in Inland Pilbara

Submitted on 10/05/2023 at 12:33 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 2:21 PM

Dear Driving Miss Daisy,

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback regarding your recent experience at Tom Price Hospital. I was disappointed to read you weren’t made to feel welcome or supported by the administrative staff when trying to access your adult child’s COVID immunisation history.

I apologise that is was not better communicated to you that our WACHS administrative staff do not have access to our consumers Medicare information as this is managed by a separate government organisation. I note you also asked if they could check WebPAS or AIR but, due to patient confidentiality, they are unable to release this information. I can understand how frustrating and disappointing this must have been for you and your adult child, and in particular with your professional experience in health administration.

We are currently reviewing our administration staff learning and development records to ensure they have all attended the Customer Service training. Our Business Manager will also address the communication concerns you have raised with our administration staff, so they better understand the importance for our consumers to feel heard. This will also provide the opportunity that our behaviours are aligned with the organisation’s values, particularly that of compassion.

I hope you were able to access the information regarding your adult child’s immunisation records. If assistance is still required please contact our Business Manager Inland Pilbara - Kristina Bukilic on 9175 8333, or

Again, thank you for your time sharing your story and providing our health service the opportunity to remind our staff of the importance of consumer focused care.

Kind regards

Sas Hennings

Operations Manager Inland

WA Country Health Service (WACHS) Pilbara

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