I was sent to Albany ED following sudden onset left iliac fossa pain and vomiting. My partner drove me down after spending the night in ED in a rural hospital.
I was made to feel in Albany ED like I was exaggerating my pain. It was suggested I may have been constipated. I had a CT and Ultrasound plus blood tests. The CT found possible a neoplasm. The nurse started talking about my journey which made my partner freak out.
I spent 2 nights as an inpatient. I couldn’t have had better care. When my pain resolved I was discharged with follow up phone appointments and MRI.
8 weeks later I went to another hospital for another ultrasound and gynie appointment. The result was an ovarian torsion. My partner and I spent 8 weeks worried for nothing.
At no time in ED did one of the ED doctors talk to me. I felt the only help I got was from the gynie consultant there. I felt the surgical team didn’t want to know. I found spending 12 hours in ED and my partner having to seemingly nag the staff for pain relief was degrading.
"How I was treated in ED"
About: Albany Health Campus / Emergency Department Albany Health Campus Emergency Department Albany 6330
Posted by crocodilewt54 (as ),
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